Monday, October 5, 2009

Can you believe we are already more than a month into this school year. Every year seems to move faster and faster. Or maybe I’m moving slower and slower. It’s already the second week of October and I haven’t been drug to the mall to start Christmas shopping yet. Don’t get me wrong, I love the Christmas season. It just feels like Hallogivingmas gets here sooner each year.

I want to thank everyone for making things run so smoothly this first month of the year. I know it’s the most hectic month of the year for teachers, but you all make it look so easy.

Remember, the next couple of months can be very exciting for kids. They can also be very depressing for some people. Keep smiling and doing what you do best. Caring for each other.


  1. This is a wonderful tool and I can tell you will use it well. I love technology and so do our students. Lessons with tech makes the kids feel as if they are learning a skill that will be useful for future employment and college and they are right.

  2. Good idea to use a blog as a communication form for the staff. The more we use the technology the easier it will be for us to move to more complex concepts.
    Thanks for sharing
